Sunday, 23 Feb, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is the Active Tracker Legal?
  Is it as per PCPNDT Act?
  Is the video generated from Active Tracker is permissible evidence in the court?
  Indian Radiology & Imaging Association has filed a WRIT petition in Bombay High Court and has challenged the invention on above -­‐ mentioned question. How ever the Hon. Bombay Court has ruled out these points and hence Active Tracker invention is as compliance to the PCPNDT Act and fur ther the Hon. Court has also mentioned in its order that the access of the video shall be with Civil Surgeon and above, deputy collector and above rank, which confirms that this video shall be treated as submersible evidence in the court.
2. Collectors have the right to enforce such initiative?
  As per Hon. Bombay High Court Judgment, The collector as a chairperson of the district PCPNDT Committee has the right to enforce such initiative.
3. Is it a breach of  Privacy?
  As per Hon. Bombay High Court Judgment, Right to Life Prevails Right to Life. Hence, the issue of breach of privacy of the patient is ruled out through this judgement.
4. Silent Observer is a useless device?
  Yes. The first invention used in the Kolhapur district was named as silent observer (SIOB). How ever, bei ng the first invention it had lots of lacuna and errors. All errors were removed and a new version was developed and named as Active Tracker. All silent observers were replaced by Active Trackers immediately in the Kolhapur district.
5. Is the video uploaded to any district server?
No. No video is uploaded anywhere, but stored locally in the hard disk of the Active Tracker. If the authorities want to find out any videos, they have to visit the respective center and copy the data physically through external data coping software, which is available only with the authorities
6. The committee report of the Government of Maharashtra is negative?
No. Government of Maharashtra appointed a committee to study the Kolhapur initiative. When committee visited first time in year 2010, silent observers were installed. The first DRAFT prepared by committee was on silent observer and it was negative. The committee visited again in 2011 and by that time all silent observers were removed and re placed by Active Tracker. The second visit findings were positive and the ultimate final report submitted by the committee to the Government has both findings. So the conclusion of the report is definitely positive.
7. Is it a 500 Gb storage?
The Active Tracker has 1TB (1024 GB) storage capacity hard drive. The re are some centers working 24/7, some 4 hours a day, some 2 days a week etc. So there cannot be a standard capacity storage for all machines. Hence Active Tracker has 1 TB storage for all Active Tracker. It has a facility of SMS to doctors mobile for eve ry on it will show the free space available on the hard disk. As per PCPNDT Act, minimum 2 years of data storage is compulsory. So this SMS helps monitoring this and system also intimates the doctor through alert SMS of hard disk space in case it is filled before 2 years.
8. It is only a hard disk and company is charging 30,000 for it?
The Active Tracker device is not only a hard disk, but has many other parts such as mother board, 2GB RAM, Linux based TV Tuner card, SMPS, a embedded circuit for controlling auto on and off, cables, inbuilt extension board, data card, po st paid SIM card with one year advance rental, cost of sealing and installation procedure, one year comprehensive warranty, one year online and telephonic support etc. All this is included in the price of the Active Tracker.
9. Seeing gender is not a crime, disclosing sex of the fetus is crime?
The videos are interpreted by the radiologist and gynecologist experts only and not by any third perso n. Also it is not a single video, but complete information about the pregnant lady, her history, her pregnancy record, if MTP performed then MTP report and all such information is collected before taking any action. So merely by video no action can be taken, but this is a evidence for proving innocence to the doctors.
10. What is Active Tracker+?
Active Tracker+ is an advanced version of Active Tracker and developed as per the Guidelines issued by the Rajasthan & Madhya Pradesh state. It has added some more features such as SMS alert to every on and off, serial number recording system of active tracker and active tr acker+ and many more. The comparative study of Silent Observer, Active Tracker and Active Tracker+ is available on
11. Why only Magnum Opus?
Magnum Opus is one of the leading companies in the E -­‐ Governance and known for its technological innovation as a sol ution to the social issue s. Magnum Opus has successfully invented many such technological innovation such as e -­‐ chavadi, a land record monitoring system, public distribution system, tracking of kerosene tanker, police patrolling vehicles and many more.
Sav e The Baby Girl and Active Tracker is one of its inventions to implement the PCPNDT Act in the year 2009 and since then the company is dedicatedly working in this across India. Magnum Opus has installed over 2000 Active Tracker across India with over 50 di stricts and trained more than 5000 doctors.
This is merely not a technical solution, but also requires knowledge of PCPNDT, sonography, radiology, pregnancy, gynecology, legal and experience in working with the doctors and the authorities. Magnum Opus has acquired all such domain experties.
Magnum Opus has filed a patent for the system and method in year 2010 and patent is pending.
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